On Saturday we rode out to watch the prologue of the Cape Epic www.cape-epic.com and we rode through the burnt areas and took the following photos. The one above is what's left of our extreme descent down the face of Plum Pudding - not looking good but at least we won't be getting any branches in our eyes for a while!
The photo below shows some of the damage looking South towards King's block house - OK, it looks bad but after the first few rains, just imagine how green this is going to be!

The last photo is of South Africa's very own Burry Stander leading out Christoph Sauser on their way to win the 19km prologue of the most televised MTB race in the world.

Good luck to all the competitors of this grueling 8 stage MTB race! We plan on holding a special Cape Epic tour next year so if you are interested in taking part, contact us now so we can secure your ticket!