With the 1st of May having crept up on us, I have to report to the world that Cape Town in April and May is astounding. The wind (infernal wind, if you're not into wind sports) dies down, the midday temperatures are riding-perfect 25 degrees Celsius and the evenings are just chilled enough to really enjoy red wine by the fireside.
A few mild rain showers turns the flora from African tones of Sahara brown to English tones of vivid green, and of course the much needed moisture does wonders for the singletrack scattered around the mountains. Tokai's trails are in the best condition at this time of year -grippy and fast with nary a puddle to muck up your precious linkages and metallic moving bits.
We cram as much riding as we can during these 2 months so that we can never look back with regret during those rainy, muddy days at then end of winter. Why don't you join us?
Another interesting phenomenon is that dirt jumpers and bmx-ers put down their bikes and pick up their shovels- this is building weather! The intermittent rains means that the earth becomes softer and the jumps can be packed harder. As a result, the awesome little track in Rondebosch is growing daily as a bit of hard labour over a few months means playtime for the rest of the year!