Thursday, 17 September 2009

Bike Fight '09

The inaugural Cape Town Bike Fight took place last weekend on a perfect Spring day. What a blast! I'm building up a fixie as I type just because it all looked so fun.

There was the Fixie race around the parking lot-nice and dangerous with cars everywhere and a couple of tight corners. No idea who won, it was all a bit of a blur really.

There was the skid comp, which came down to the wire between a skinny racer and a not so skinny local bike shop owner-the winner eventually went to Gav, who had a more spectacular 'dismount' into the bushes where the tar ran out.

There were quite a few blow outs but the best one was totally unexpected as the bike wasn't even being ridden at the time.

The bike joust was a bit of a let down but the photo below sums up it quite nicely. Things to note:
Olaf going for Toby's head
Toby's concentration levels
The joy on the spectators faces - "We want blood!"

There was also a trackstand competiton where some serious skills were shown after 2 minutes of standard trackstanding.

And then there was the highly entertaining fixie shark pool (I made that name up because I don't know what i was really called. Anyone know?) Everyone circles in one direction and tries to take anybody else off their bike until they are the last person riding. Here's a photo of one of the last stand-offs.

All in all a great day out, let's make it happen again!